Thursday, July 3, 2008

Davis' Ball Season/Braxton Band

Braxton had a great first year in Beginner Band at East Limestone Highschool. He was a little reluctant to take this class at first, but it seems he has his daddy's genes in the music area. He ended the year with a Concert and all of the Kids did very well. He is looking forward to this next school year playing percussion. I think he just likes banging on things and this gives him a good excuse to do so.

Davis Ready to play Ball

Davis Down in Ready Position

Look at that form!!!

Davis at bat knocks one into Right Field!!

Well, we managed to wrap up another Ball Season with Davis. His team did very well in the regular season. They managed to finish 2nd in the National League for the 9-10 year old Kid Pitch. He played 2nd and 3rd Base this year and even put a little time in at pitching. Davis really liked his team alot and was sad to see the season come to the end. We spent most of our life at the ball field with many games. Brooklynn thinks you only go to the sportplex to watch Davis play ball. He did inform me of some good news, and that is Fall Ball is right around the corner!!